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Dear Customer

The evolving impact of COVID-19

Securus is a division of CTI Security (CTI) which is closely monitoring the evolving COVID-19 situation and the impact this will have to security monitoring and to security installation and maintenance operations.

While the extent and timing of the impact of this crisis is uncertain, our senior security team has undertaken a review of activities in order to put in place appropriate mitigation strategies to ensure continuation of service to security customers. This involves a constant review of our business continuity and emergency plans to cope with this unprecedented situation.

Our priority is to protect the safety of our workforce and in turn, maintain an ongoing, reliable and timely service to all customers.

Our network and redundancy requirements have been designed so that critical aspects of our monitoring service delivery can be maintained in circumstances like those now presenting with COVID-19.

Preventative measures

In addition to putting in place recommended precautions around hygiene and other health practices, CTI has implemented the following preventative measures to protect our people and continue to service your business:

  • restricting access to the ARM Monitoring Control Room to key operational personnel
  • limiting and controlling access to all CTI facilities
  • requesting all staff avoid public gatherings where social distancing of at least 1.5 metres cannot be maintained
  • reducing face-to-face meetings with both internal and external parties and using conference call facilities instead
  • key operational staff working in isolated areas or from home if feasible
  • segregation between staff where possible in line with social distancing guidelines
  • where possible, splitting staff across shifts or across different physical locations to avoid cross-infection
  • working in dedicated teams and controlling the use of site facilities
  • redundancy plans are in place for key operational roles
  • access to deep cleaning and sanitation services if the need arises
  • restrictions on travel in line with Government updates and associated quarantine and isolation measures.

Business continuity measures

In the event staff isolation is required either by Government mandate or through infection or suspected infection within our organisation, we will execute contingency arrangements to ensure we maintain essential operational and monitoring services for you.

Our network and redundancy requirements have been designed so that critical aspects of our monitoring service delivery can be maintained through the most serious scenarios.

Essential office staff will be able to work remotely under isolation circumstances and security monitoring operators will continue to ensure service delivery utilising a number of strategies ensuring monitoring continuity.


Clear and transparent communication is key during times of uncertainty like those we are currently experiencing.

CTI recognises each customer will have its own set of circumstances and requirements for working through this situation and that these may change as we move forward. We ask that you maintain contact with your CTI representative if this is the case so we can work proactively with you to ensure a positive outcome.

Further information

We are closely monitoring the situation and will continue to provide updates as we have information to share.

We thank you for working with us while we work through this situation together.

For updates please see our website at www.securus.com.au

Stay well and safe

The team at CTI Security


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SECURUS COVID-19 Announcements

